Tsem Rinpoche’s Parinirvana Anniversary is an annual prayer festival in Kechara Forest Retreat, attended by important lamas of our lineage and monastic representatives from Shar Gaden, Serpom, Phelgyeling and Segyu. This year’s programme takes place from late August to late September 2024 and includes over 20 pujas and ceremonies:
- 1000-offering Lama Chopa Tsog on Rinpoche's parinirvana anniversary day with 1000 candles, 1000 tormas, 1000 incense, 1000 water offerings and 1000 flowers
- Rabney consecration ceremony for the newly enthroned Medicine Buddha statues and Dorje Shugden liuli artpieces in the Relic Temple Memorial Hall
- Gyenze increase fire puja
- Trakze wrathful fire puja
- Medicine Buddha puja for pets
- Dukkar obstacle-eliminating torma ritual
- 1,000-offering Namgyalma long life puja
- 1,000-offering Kalarupa puja
- Special naga puja
- Vajrayogini self-initiation, jangwa and ruchok
- Yamantaka self-initiation, water purification and protection blessing
- Sutra recitations of Amitayus, Manjushri and Golden Light
- Rituals of Cittamani Tara, Samayavajra, Dorje Shugden and more
Details of these pujas will be announced here.
This prayer festival is a special time for Rinpoche’s disciples and all spiritual practitioners to gather in prayer and meditation, generating a tremendous accumulation of merits and positive energy dedicated to the health, well-being and happiness of all sentient beings, and most importantly to the swift return of our precious guru His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche.
We seek your kind and generous support for this virtuous undertaking. Your sponsorship of these highly meritorious prayers includes one or more sets of parinirvana day offerings — flowers, candles, tormas, incense & tsog — and also helps with the cost of:
- Puja offerings
- Ritual substances
- Food and travel for visiting Sangha
We hope you will join us as visitor, volunteer or sponsor — to contribute and share in this celebration of Rinpoche's life and deeds, as we embark on 30 days of holy activities.